winter CSa 2024-2025
signups are open!
How does it work? (quick version)
super quick version: same general idea as last year, but 8 pickups instead of 9
8 pickups, roughly every other Wednesday from 11/20/2024-3/5/25, 2:00-6:30pm
Two share sizes, small ($235) or large ($315) ***now accepting Venmo @Burntrockfarm***
Free choice between all the various storage vegetables, + greens or another special item
Flexibility to suit your schedule and cooking needs
Pickup at the farm in Hanksville – 7052 Main Rd, Huntington
sign up here
How does it work? (expanded version)
Come to our farm for 8 bi-weekly pickup days from mid-November until early March, to take home 10 lbs (small share) or 15 lbs (large share) of whichever staples you want, in the combinations you want, in addition to a rotating green item from the greenhouses.
Since most the crops are storage vegetables, we can offer unparalleled flexibility in item choice and quantity. Rather than getting a prescribed bag of produce, you choose the vegetables that suit your tastes and schedule.
Choose from sweetpotatoes, red and yellow onions, 8 varieties of potatoes, butternut squash, 'Tetsukabuto' quash, acorn squash, red beets, golden beets, cabbage, the sweetest carrots on earth, and stunning watermelon radishes. Unless it’s so cold the greenhouses don’t thaw (it can happen in late January!), we will also provide greens, including pea shoots, spinach, or mid-winter kale from one of our greenhouses.
One week you might select 3 lbs butternut squash, 5 lbs potatoes, 3 lbs onions, 2 lbs sweet potatoes, 2 lbs carrots. Or, are you planning to make a dish that requires 15 lbs of potatoes? Take 15 lbs of potatoes! Are you a carrot fiend? No problem! We will help you record a running tally of your share to be sure you get your full allotment over the nine pickup days.
Just record the weight you take in the sign-in book, and it will be tallied up for you. This way, if you want to take more or less than your 10#/15# share, that’s no problem at all. Make up for it later on in the season. If for whatever reason you don't use up your full value, we will donate that volume to Brewster Pierce Memorial School for use in school lunches.
How much does it cost?
Large share (15 lbs + greens): 8 pickups for $315
Small share (10 lbs + greens): 8 pickups for $235
Payment by installment available if desired.
How do I sign up?
Visit here to fill out our easy online form and then mail us a check to reserve your spot.
Payment options:
1. cash in person
2. Make checks payable to Burnt Rock Farm, and mail to:
7052 Main Road, Huntington VT 05462
3. Venmo payment to @Burntrockfarm
Where is pickup?
In the heated red barn down at our farm in Hanksville. 7052 Main Rd – 5 miles south of the Lower Village, and 4 miles north of Rte 17. It’s always bright and 57 degrees in there, so no frozen hands. Map.
When is pickup?
Every other Wednesday*, from 2:00-6:30pm. Starting the week before Thanksgiving. (* There will be a 3 week pickup gap around Christmas and New Year’s). We’ll remind you early in the week via email when it’s a pickup week.
Winter 2024-2025 pickup dates:
1/8 (*note the 3 week gap before this pickup)
What if I am going on vacation and will miss a pickup?
Don’t worry about it – have a friend pick up, or just take more over the next few weeks. In other words, just distribute the 10 or 15 lbs of vegetables that you missed over your next few pick ups. We help you keep track.
What if I don’t end up taking all of your produce over the winter?
At the end of the season, if you still have a produce credit and can’t use it, we will donate an amount of produce equivalent to your unused share to Brewster Pierce Memorial School for use in school lunches. We love sending food to the school!
What if I want more produce this winter than I signed up for?
Talk to us! You can re-up your share for as much $ as you like and keep eating.
More questions?
Contact Justin: justin@burntrockfarm.com